Questo elenco si occupa principalmente di acronimi e titoli nella cinofilia anglosassone. Tutti i titoli vengono indicati come suffisso al nome registrato del cane, se non indicato diversamente. Gli acronimi sono elencati in ordine alfabetico, eccetto i titoli per cani da pastore, che sono in ordine di difficoltà.
- AAC Agility Association of Canada
- AKC American Kennel Club
- CKC Canadian Kennel Club
- NADAC North American Dog Agility Council
- UKC United Kennel Club (USA)
- USDAA United States Dog Agility Association
- AHBA American Herding Breeds Association
- ASCA Australia Shepherd Club of America
Titoli nel Flyball
- FD Flyball Dog
- FDX Flyball Dog Excellent
- FDCh Flyball Dog Champion
- FM Flyball Master
- FMX Flyball Master Excellent
- FMCh Flyball Master Champion
- ONYX Award (named after first recipient) based on points earned
- FGDCh Flyball Grand Champion
Titoli in Agility
- AX Agility Excellent (AKC)
- MX Master Agility Excellent (AKC)
- NA Novice Agility (AKC)
- OA Open Agility (AKC)
- NAJ Novice Jumper With Weaves (AKC)
- OAJ Open Jumper With Weaves (AKC)
- AXJ Excellent Jumper With Weaves (AKC)
- MXJ Master Jumper With Weaves (AKC)
- U-AGI Agility I (UKC)
- U-AGII Agility II (UKC)
- U-ACH Agility Champion (UKC)
- U-ACHX Agility Champion Excellent (UKC)
- AD Agility Dog (USDAA)
- VAD Veteran Agility Dog (USDAA)
- VAAD Veteran Advanced Agility Dog (USDAA)
- VMAD Veteran Master Agility Dog (USDAA)
- VS Veterans Snooker
- VJ Veterans Jumper
- VG Veterans Gambler
- VPD Veteran Performance Dog
- AAD Advanced Agility Dog (USDAA)
- MAD Master Agility Dog (USDAA)
- SM Snooker Master (USDAA)
- GM Gambler Master (USDAA)
- PM Pairs Master (USDAA)
- JM Jumpers Master (USDAA)
- ADCH Agility Dog Champion (USDAA)
- ADC Agility Dog of Canada (AAC)
- AADC Advanced Agility Dog of Canada (AAC)
- MADC Master Agility Dog of Canada (AAC)
- O-, S- Outstanding, Superior Peformance, prefixed to any NADAC title
- NAC, NAC-V, NAC-JH Novice Standard, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
- OAC, OAC-V, OAC-JH Open Standard, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
- EAC, EAC-V, EAC-JH Elite Standard, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
- NGC, NGC-V, NCG-JH Novice Gamblers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
- OGC, OGC-V, OCG-JH Open Gamblers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
- EGC, EGC-V, ECG-JH Elite Gamblers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
- NJC, NJC-V, NJC-JH Novice Jumpers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
- OJC, OJC-V, OJC-JH Open Jumpers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
- EJC, EJC-V, EJC-JH Elite Jumpers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
- NATCh Agility Trial Champion (NADAC)
Titoli in Obedience
- CD Companion Dog (AKC, CKC)
- CDX Companion Dog Excellent (AKC, CKC)
- CT Champion Tracker (a dog with a TD, TDX and VST) (AKC)
- OTCh Obedience Trial Champion (prefix) (AKC, CKC)
- TD Tracking Dog (AKC, CKC)
- TDX Tracking Dog Excellent (AKC, CKC)
- U-CD Companion Dog (prefix) (UKC)
- U-CDX Companion Dog Excellent (prefix) (UKC)
- U-UD Utility Dog (prefix) (UKC)
- UD Utility Dog (AKC, CKC)
- UDT Utility Dog title with a Tracking Dog title (AKC)
- UDTX Utility Dog title with a Tracking Dog Excellent title (AKC)
- UDX Utility Dog Excellent (AKC)
- UDVST Utility Dog title with a Variable Surface Tracking title (AKC)
- VST Variable Surface Tracking (AKC)
Nota 1: L’ OTCh dell’AKC (statunitense) è molto differente e più difficile da ottenere di quello CKC (canadese).L’OTCh del CKC è equivalente all’ootenimento di un UD canadese. Praticamente UD e OTCh canadesi sono uguali.
Nota 2: Non esistono titoli combinati per cani con UDX e altri titoli per il lavoro su traccia.
Nota 3: Il titolo di Champion Tracker non viene acquisito in modalità competitiva per cui non figura nei titoli du Dual o Triple Champion (L’OTCh invece può essere il terzo titolo in un Triple Champion)
- AD 12 1/2 mile endurance run (can move from the other category)
- B German equiv. of a CD and CGC test in one
- SchH I, SchH II, SchH III comprising three phases – tracking, obedience and protection. dog must pass all three phases to earn title.
- FH advanced tracking title (comparable to TDX)
- WH watchdog title
- KKL Koer’d means the dog is certified as eligible for breeding under the German breed survey systemTitoli nei Cani da Pastore AKC
- HCH Herding Champion (prefix)
- HI Herding Intermediate
- HS Herding Started
- HT Herding Tested
- HX Herding Excellent
- PT Pre-trial Tested
Titoli nei Cani da Pastore AHBA (American Herding Breeds Association)
- HCT Herding Capability Tested
- JHD Junior Herding Dog Tested
- HTD Herding Trial Dog (I, II, III)
- HRD Herding Ranch Dog (I, II, III)
- RLF Ranch Large Flock (I, II, III)
- HTAD Herding Trial Arena Dog (I, II, III)
- HTCh Herding Trial Championship (awarded to dogs earning advanced titles on any one of the last four trial courses)
Titoli nei Cani da Pastore ASCA (Australia Shepherd Club of America)
- STD Started Trial Dog (class of stock)
- OTD Open Trial Dog
- ATD Advanced Trial Dog
- ATDM Advanced Trial Dog Multiple courses
- ATDX Advanced Trial Dog Excellent
- PATD Post Advanced Trial Dog
- OFTD Open Farm Trial Dog
- AFTD Advanced Farm Trial Dog
- RD Ranch Dog
- RTD Ranch Trial Dog
- WTCH Working Trial Champion (awarded to dogs who receive ATD titles in all three classes of stock)
- WTCHM Working Trial Champion M (awarded to dogs who receive ATDM titles in all three classes of stock)
- WTCHX Working Trial Champion X (awarded to dogs who receive ATDX titles in all three classes of stock)
- SDCH Stockdog Champion (awarded to dogs who have completed the following requirements: Working Trial Champion X – Advanced Farm Dog on cattle and one other stock Ranch Trial Dog on Sheep and cattle – Post advanced Trial Dog on sheep and cattle)