Electrical activity and relative length changes of dog limb muscles as a function of speed and gait
Electrical activity and length changes of 11 muscles of the fore- and hind- limbs of dogs walking, running, and galloping on a treadmill, were measured as a function of forward speed and gait. Our purpose was to find out whether the activity patterns of the major limb muscles were consistent...
Oxygen consumption and hemodynamic responses during graded treadmill exercise in the dog
A description is given of a technique that provides a relatively simple means by which O2 consumption and hemodynamic variables can be measured in exercising dogs. We used a multistage submaximal treadmill test to study the responses of 10 foxhounds to dynamic exercise. They were also studied during maximal treadmill...
Bone strain: a determinant of gait and speed?
Principal strains were recorded in vivo from the radial and tibial midshafts of three goats as they increased speed and changed gait. These data were compared with strain data measured for the radius and tibia of the dog (Rubin & Lanyon, 1982) and the horse (Biewener, Thomason & Lanyon, 1983b)...
Electromyographic and kinematic studies of tail movements in dogs during treadmill locomotion
Electromyographic (EMG) activities of three tail muscles, the extensor caudae lateralis (ECL), abductor caudae externus (ACE), and flexor caudae longus (FCL), were recorded bilaterally in seven adult dogs during walking, trotting, and galloping on a treadmill. Each dog's movements were recorded with a 16 mm high-speed camera system, and angular movements of...
In vivo bone strain on the dog tibia during locomotion
Rosette and single-element strain gauges were implanted on the tibia in 2 dogs and recordings were made during locomotion on a treadmill. At foot contact and during the swing phase of locomotion, bone strains were low and directions of the principal strains were variable. There was a large shift in...
Lo scopo di una razza
Per qualsiasi scopo a cui si destina un cane esistono delle specifiche costruzioni che permettono prestazioni superiori. Il lupo ha una costruzione sviluppata per trottare con resistenza. Un cane che caccia a vista in aperta campagna ha bisogno di essere snello, con arti lunghi e veloce (greyhound). Se la campagna...
Funzionalità e princìpi scientifici
Gli scritti sulla corretta struttura che produce efficientemente movimento nei cani sono generalmente riconducibili al libro del cap. M. Horace intitolato “Caratteristiche del Cavallo”. Questo libro pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1893 viene ancora largamente letto dagli allevatori di cavalli. Gli autori di articoli e libri sui cani hanno...
Costruzione e movimento: stabilire dei criteri
In teoria, il miglior soggetto di una razza, con una determinata funzione, dovrebbe essere selezionato sulla base di una conformazione ottimale che si ritiene produca una prestazione superiore nella funzione stessa. Per regola e tradizione alle esposizioni i soggetti sono giudicati in posa e al trotto; alla maggior parte dei...
Density of muscle spindle profiles in the intrinsic forelimb muscles of the dog
The concept of parallel muscle combinations, in which spindle density is significantly higher in small muscles compared to their larger counterparts in large-small muscle combinations acting across a joint, is supported by the results of this study regardless of the joint. Analysis of the canine data as well as previously...