Muscle performance
Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers The mammalian body has three major types of skeletal muscle fibers: fast fibers, slow fibers, and intermediate fibers. Fast Fibers Most of the skeletal muscle fibers in the body are called fast fibers, because they can contract in 0.01 sec or less after stimulation. Fast fibers are large in...
Morphological and histochemical characteristics of muscle fibre types in the flexor carpi radialis of the dog
The canine flexor carpi radialis is subdivided into 2 portions. The radial portion which occupies one third of the cross-section is located caudomedially and is composed only of large type I fibres (43.53 /- 0.6 microns minimum diameter) in levels close to the insertion. The cubital portion is located craniolaterally...
Another Look at Dewclaws
Some vets conclude that dewclaws are undeveloped and serve no purpose, and on the basis of this erroneous premise, they advocate removal. I'm not going to play the purist here and now, as I usually do, to insist that the word "dewclaw" should only be applied to the first digit...
La dentizione del cane
Comprendo che l’argomento possa sembrare un po’ arido, ma poiché in parecchie razze le anomalie dentarie costituisco difetti da squalifica, mi sembra opportuno trattare l’argomento in modo che sia il più facile ma interessante possibile. Il cane, come ben risaputo, è un mammifero difiodonte cioè ha due dentizioni successive,una da...
Canine Anatomy Field Evaluation at Dog Show
The dog show world is, an activity seen as a canine get together. Future dog owners go to see what breed they may be interested in living with. Breeders go to see what dogs they may want (to select from) to breed to in order to improve their lines. Some...
Apparato locomotore e muscolatura
Quando si valutano i cani in esposizione o per l’allevamento, certe caratteristiche degli organi interni, come ad esempio la muscolatura, possono essere parzialmente valutate al tatto oppure osservando il modo di muoversi del soggetto in esame. Altri organi interni che compongono sistemi come quello circolatorio o respiratorio – vene, cuore,...